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Benefits and Privileges of the Application

The use of the application is free for the citizen and does not require a subscription. The application is easy to download on smartphones of all kinds. It can also be downloaded to the computer and it is easy to use. You only have to do the following:

Health education and awareness service

 The application allows the citizen to easily search for diseases and health topics that he wants to know and increase knowledge about.

The most important thing that distinguishes the application is that the advice and instructions are reliable, correct, and scientifically accurate because only specialists write them.


Health services

It also introduces the medical facilities with different specialties to choose the one that suits his health condition if he wants to visit it.

By using the application, the citizen gets the following benefits and privileges:

  1. Saving effort and time by facilitating direct contact with the medical facility for any inquiry, or scheduling an appointment by phone with the ability to download the map of the medical facility to facilitate arriving at it.
  2. The application provides citizens direct contact with an insurance company or a medical expenses management company, and to have a direct arrangement with it so that it'll take care of their treatment, especially in hospitals which saves them the treatment's cost.
  3. By using the application, you can benefit from:
  1. The application allows treatment services outside the country (medical tourism), where it is possible to communicate with medical authorities outside the country and directly coordinate with them.

Thus, this application's idea is entirely novel with an emphasis on the fact that this application is not considered an alternative to a doctor, diagnosis, or professional medical treatment. Therefore, it's not a place for treatment but to gain knowledge.