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Exchange and Refund policy

As it is known, exchange and refund may be in cases of selling a commodity, product, or merchandise.

And since Arab Doctor application does not sell products or goods, but rather provides specific and known services to the medical and supporting medical authorities and provides the service of publishing advertisements.


Paid services:

The service is provided upon request and with full freedom, and it is implemented electronically as soon as the value is paid.

Accordingly, our policy confirms that it is not permissible to withdraw from subscribing to the service after paying its value and implementing it. Therefore the value of the paid service is not entitled.



The advertisement is designed by the applicant and is published for the period specified in the application.

Accordingly, our policy confirms that it is not permissible to withdraw from publishing the advertisement after paying its value and implementing its publication. Therefore the advertiser is not entitled to claim the value after publishing it.

If the advertisement is not approved after paying its value, the advertiser has the right to replace it with another ad or recover its value.